
Political Ideologies

Right-Wing Terrorism Was Enabled and Ignored By Conservative Pundits, GOP

Published: The Morning Call (April 15, 2013), mic (April 16, 2013) Editor's note: This article was written before the Boston Marathon bombings, and is not intended to be a response to that incident. All commentary in this article is on pre-Boston incidents alone and is not intended to indicate anything concerning the ongoing Boston Marathon investigation. How much longer is America willing to...

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There’s Nothing More Pathetic Than a Pennsylvania Bigot in 2013

Published: mic (March 23, 2013), The Express Times (March 23, 2013) From neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan to the Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers, there is nothing more inherently pathetic than a bigot in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This isn't to say that bigots aren't a pitiful sight as a general rule. As the philosopher Eric Hoffer noted in his classic monograph on mass movements and...

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Ted Cruz 2016: The Critical Reason the Texas Senator Will Not Be President

Published: PolicyMic (December 1, 2012) The only thing worse than laziness is contagious laziness. I refer you to the following headlines from Fox News and Politico: "Ted Cruz Speech Fuels 2016 Presidential Run Speculation" "Ted Cruz Speech Stokes 2016 Speculation" Ted Cruz, for those of you fortunate enough to not be up-to-date on your Tea Party demagogues, is the Senator-elect from Texas....

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Fiscal Cliff Deadline: 5 Reasons We Should Celebrate Republicans Opting for Higher Taxes

Published: PolicyMic (November 29, 2012) The impending so-called "fiscal cliff" has not been kind to Grover Norquist. As political junkies are well aware, the conservative lobbyist who founded Americans for Tax Reform is best known for pressuring Republican politicians to sign his Taxpayer Protection Pledge, which puts signatories on the record as vowing to never support marginal income tax...

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Chris Christie Avoids Fat Jokes About Twinkies… And Real Talk About Unions

Published: PolicyMic (November 19, 2012) Say what you will about Governor Chris Christie, but the man has a great sense of humor about himself. The latest instance of his jocular self-deprecation took place on Monday, when he was asked how he felt about the increasing possibility that Twinkies will become a thing of the past. "I'm on ‘Saturday Night Live’ enough. You think you're getting me...

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Pennsylvania Polls: Obama Holds On To Lead, Thanks To Republican Extremism”

Published: PolicyMic (November 4, 2012) There are two quotes that best sum up Pennsylvania's role in American democracy today. One comes from legendary political consultant James Carville: "Pennsylvania is Philadelphia in the east, Pittsburgh in the west, and Alabama in the middle." This adage will be useful when following Tuesday's election returns in the Keystone State, although it's a little...

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Latest Presidential Polls 2012: Data Shows the Romney 47 Percent Comment Has Taken Serious Toll

Published: PolicyMic (September 26, 2012) Up until now, debate on the political impact of Mitt Romney's "47%" comments has been entirely speculative. That is no longer the case. According to recently released New York Times/CBS/Quinnipiac surveys — the first major polls to be conducted right after the emergence of the controversial video — Romney has suffered enormous setbacks in key swing...

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Obama vs. Romney: Mitt Romney 47 Percent Gaffe Proves He is Too Conservative to Be President

Published: PolicyMic (September 23, 2012) Conventional political wisdom states that, to become president, you must first acquire your party's nomination by pandering to its radical base. After that, you win the general election by moving back to the ideological center. Keep that axiom in mind as you're reading this editorial. Back in February, Mitt Romney earned the derision of political...

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Romney 47 Percent Hot Mic Comments: This Proves Just How Wrong He Is For The American Presidency

Published: PolicyMic (September 18, 2012) Secret video recordings of comments made by Mitt Romney at a private fundraiser are so appalling that it's hard to figure out where to even begin analyzing them. I guess the best way is to look at the three main parts. First there is the Republican presidential nominee's declaration that 47% of the American people will vote for Barack Obama no matter...

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Why Tom Head and Todd Akin Contribute to the Dumbing of America

Published: PolicyMic (August 24, 2012) It is true that a nation which practices censorship cannot remain free. To this axiom, though, I would add that a society which doesn't respond to inflammatory stupidity with universal contempt cannot remain safe for reasoned discussion, as recent political discussion clearly demonstrates. Over the last week, the Republican Party has provided us with two...

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