
Political Ideologies

An Agenda for Occupy Wall Street

Published: The Newark Star-Ledger (October 14, 2011) The pundits are claiming that Occupy Wall Street lacks a coherent agenda. I have one for them that can be summed up in two words: Rebuild America. Although Occupy Wall Street’s anger has been targeted at the American plutocracy (a term best defined by Theodore Roosevelt as “government by men very powerful in certain lines and gifted with the...

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Rick Santorum and Gay Rights

Published: The Morning Call (October 2, 2011) In a recent interview with Politico, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum issued a scathing denunciation of Google. "If you're a responsible business," he remarked, "you don't let things like that happen in your business that have an impact on the country." One might expect such strong words to be reserved for the greatest rascals of...

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The Tea Party and the Constitution

Published: The Morning Call (August 15, 2011) When reviewing "Atlas Shrugged," the magnum opus of libertarian paladin Ayn Rand, famed anti-communist Whittaker Chambers made this observation about her philosophy: "Out of a lifetime of reading, I can recall no other book in which a tone of overriding arrogance was so implacably sustained. Its shrillness is without reprieve. Its dogmatism is...

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The Tea Party and the Debt Ceiling Debate

Published: The Express Times (July 28, 2011) Even though I am hardly a fan of the disproportionate influence of big businesses in our government, the reality is that the vast majority of them don’t want a default any more than centrists, leftists and moderate conservatives. The blame here rests entirely with the Tea Party and their enablers in Congress, all of whom stand alone in their...

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Tea Party Racism

Whenever the Tea Party is accused of being motivated by racism, its conservative defenders tend to trot out some variation of this argument:"Why is that you liberals always play the race card whenever conservatives disagree with you? Can't you accept the fact that people may have differences of opinion with a black politician for reasons other than his race?"There is some truth to the first...

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