Published: Daily Dot (February 25, 2015) When yet another old white man nationally embarrasses himself with his ignorance about how women’s bodies work, it isn’t enough to hold them up for richly deserved derision, as the Internet is wont to do. We must also learn a...
Why ISIS and Republican zealots have more in common than you think
Feb 11, 2015 | Conservativism, Extremism, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Religion and Religious Issues, Republicans, Terrorism
Published: Daily Dot (February 11, 2015) If there is one thing we can learn from the Christian Right’s continued response to President Obama’s National Prayer Breakfast speech, it is that religious prejudice isn’t limited to any specific religion. Ironically, the...
Don’t hate on critics of ‘American Sniper’ – criticize its racist hero
Jan 22, 2015 | Arts and Entertainment, Conservativism, Internet Culture, Political Ideologies, Race and Racism, Religion and Religious Issues,
Published: Daily Dot (January 22, 2015), Republished on MediaREDEF (January 23, 2015), Salon (January 28, 2015) This article is not about American Sniper. It is about Chris Kyle. That’s an important distinction because, as American Sniper continues to break box office...
How GOP obstructionism empowered the presidency
Jan 11, 2015 | Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues, Conservativism, Foreign Policy, Immigration, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, President Obama, Republicans
Published: MSNBC (January 11, 2015) Listening to Rep. Louis Gohmert’s (R-TX) revanchist logic for his failed bid to oust John Boehner as speaker of the House earlier this month, you’d think the tea party wing of the Republican Party had been working with President...
5 reasons why ‘white pride’ is always racist
Jan 6, 2015 | Extremism, Political Ideologies, Race and Racism,
Published: Daily Dot (January 6, 2015), Salon (January 9, 2015) History tells us "whiteness" has always been a construct used to exclude certain groups from equal rights The Ku Klux Klan is currently sponsoring a Harrison, Ark., billboard that sends the following...
‘The Interview’ Has A Smart Argument That Deserves Respect
Dec 28, 2014 | Conservativism, Political Ideologies, Religion and Religious Issues
Published: Good Men Project (December 28, 2014), The Daily Dot (December 30, 2014) The Interview has been getting a lot of sympathy but, from a critical standpoint, not a great deal of respect. After seeing the film twice, I find this attitude a tad dismaying. For...
The ‘War on Christmas’ isn’t real – but these 6 Yuletide controversies are
Dec 25, 2014 | Conservativism, Political Ideologies, Religion and Religious Issues
Published: Daily Dot (December 25, 2014) The nativity, whether on a church lawn or brazenly displayed at City Hall, is a fixture of American Christmases—as is, of course, controversy. While arguments over nativity scenes trend toward questions of the separation...
The dangerous double-standard of liberal ‘Social Justice Warriors’
Dec 9, 2014 | Bullying, Conservativism, Internet Culture, Liberalism, Political Ideologies
Published: Daily Dot (December 9, 2014) If you’ve logged onto the Internet recently, chances are you’re used to seeing progressives in the role of victim. In addition to its sexist undertones, Gamergate has largely been a right-wing movement, an explosion of cultural...
Jeb continues a Bush tradition: Capitalizing on GOP obstruction
Dec 7, 2014 | Conservativism, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), History, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: MSNBC (December 7, 2014) While he remains cryptic about his ultimate intentions, Jeb Bush has let America know that if he runs for president in 2016, he will do so by promising an administration that is “much more uplifting, much more positive, much more...
3 Reasons I’m Not #ReadyForHillary Just Yet
Nov 20, 2014 | Democrats, Economic Policy, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Foreign Policy, History, Liberalism, Military-Industrial Complex/Security State, Plutocracy, Political Ideologies, Political Parties
Published: Daily Dot (November 20, 2014) As a progressive millennial who actively volunteered for and supported Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries, I am ready to make public an opinion I’ve only expressed in private until now: In retrospect, I...