
Kim Davis, Donald Trump, and the Maddening Paradox of Ignoring the Obnoxious

Published: The Good Men Project (January 12, 2016) The Internet is understandably indignant that Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses, has been invited to appear at President Obama's State of the...

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Donald Trump has blood on his hands: Why the nativist demogogue is the second coming of George Wallace

Published: Salon (August 26, 2015), The Good Men Project (August 22, 2015) Donald Trump has indelibly associated his presidential campaign with the cause of opposing political correctness. He has every right to do this – but we in the media need to make sure that...

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“Cuckservatives” and Other Disgraces to Masculinity

Published: The Good Men Project (August 11, 2015), Salon (August 13, 2015) I’d like to advance the following proposition: A real man strives to be valued as an individual on the basis of what he does, not by maintaining unfair privileges he possesses through sheer...

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