
The ‘Paranoid Style’ of Alex Jones: Why the right-wing ‘Jade Helm’ insanity won’t go away – and why that’s extremely scary

Published: Salon (July 8, 2015) Brace yourself: After months of frantic conspiracy theorizing, Operation Jade Helm is finally underway next week. One week from today, one of the largest military training exercises in history — dubbed “Operation Jade Helm 15? — will...

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The 4 worst things about Jeb Bush’s campaign announcement

Published: Daily Dot (June 16, 2015) If Jeb Bush is elected to the presidency in 2016, his victory will officially transformed the Bushes into the most successful political dynasty in American history. Never has a single direct family line produced three presidents...

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The right wing’s bloodthirsty obsession: How conservatives poisoned the debate over capital punishment

Published: Salon (April 24, 2015) A conservative columnist paints those against executing Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as terrorist sympathizers Once Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s defense attorney wraps up her closing statement, the jury will need to decide whether the terrorist should...

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