

‘The Interview’ Has A Smart Argument That Deserves Respect

Published: Good Men Project (December 28, 2014), The Daily Dot (December 30, 2014) The Interview has been getting a lot of sympathy but, from a critical standpoint, not a great deal of respect. After seeing the film twice, I find this attitude a tad dismaying. For those who haven’t seen the movie and wish to watch it with a fresh set of eyes, there are two things you should know: 1) At its core,...

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The ‘War on Christmas’ isn’t real – but these 6 Yuletide controversies are

Published: Daily Dot (December 25, 2014) The nativity, whether on a church lawn or brazenly displayed at City Hall, is a fixture of American Christmases—as is, of course, controversy. While arguments over nativity scenes trend toward questions of the separation between church and state, nativity scenes gone wrong run the span from bizarre, to funny, to actively offensive. It's not a War on...

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The dangerous double-standard of liberal ‘Social Justice Warriors’

Published: Daily Dot (December 9, 2014) If you’ve logged onto the Internet recently, chances are you’re used to seeing progressives in the role of victim. In addition to its sexist undertones, Gamergate has largely been a right-wing movement, an explosion of cultural reactionary sentiment against feminist criticisms of female representation in video game content and culture. Even the derisive...

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Jeb continues a Bush tradition: Capitalizing on GOP obstruction

Published: MSNBC (December 7, 2014) While he remains cryptic about his ultimate intentions, Jeb Bush has let America know that if he runs for president in 2016, he will do so by promising an administration that is “much more uplifting, much more positive, much more willing to be practical” – in short, the complete opposite of the status quo in Washington. It’s a pleasingly conciliatory narrative...

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The Crazy Things David Brat Believe Will Make You Wonder How He Earned His Ph.D.

Published: mic (June 12, 2014) The man who beat Eric Cantor may have a Ph.D., but he sure doesn't act like it. I'm not saying this because I disagree with his political views. There are plenty of conservatives and libertarians in academia (hoary claims of ivory tower "liberal bias" notwithstanding), and while I don't share their opinions on a multitude of subjects, we have always stressed...

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Rand Paul and Libertarians Are Looking More and More Like the Future Of the Republican Party

Published: mic (March 9, 2014) The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has held its annual straw poll. For the second year in a row, the winner was Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. What does his victory mean? What does it tell us about the future of the Republican Party? Here are the four things you need to know: 1. This is a great day for Rand Paul. This is the fourth year out...

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If “You Pay a Million in Taxes, You Get A Million Votes.” Yes, a U.S. Billionaire Just Said That.

Published: mic (February 14, 2014) Billionaire Tom Perkins, who once compared the Occupy movement with Nazism, is again at the center of a storm of controversy. His comment? "The Tom Perkins system is: You don't get to vote unless you pay a dollar of taxes... You pay a million dollars in taxes, you get a million votes." There is something instructive in Perkins's ideas, albeit not in the way...

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5 Ways Conservative Media Is Getting ‘The Hillary Papers’ All Wrong

Published:mic (February 11, 2014) Let's dispense with a necessary disclaimer: I believe Hillary Rodham Clinton is going to be the next President of the United States. The "Hillary Papers" that have been flying around the conservative blogosphere this week are just the latest effort by the right to do anything they can to prevent that from happening....

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This Venture Capitalist Thinks Occupy Wall Street and Nazis Have a Lot in Common

Published: mic (January 28, 2014 Back in 1990, American attorney and author Mike Godwin observed that political discussions (particularly those that occurred online) were oversaturated with Nazi analogies. This gave birth to the expression "Godwin's Law," which argues that anyone who compares a political adversary to Nazis without sound reasoning automatically forfeits the debate. Flash forward...

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