
Watch As These Conservatives Recycle the World’s Worst Talking Point

Published: mic (January 21, 2014) You'd think that conservatives, after being repeatedly humiliated for their insensitivity toward rape victims, would have learned to be careful when discussing the plight of the marginalized and oppressed. For proof that this lesson...

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There’s a Second Chris Christie Scandal That Will Kill His Presidential Hopes For Good

Published: mic (January 13, 2014) If you thought things looked bad for Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) after Bridgegate broke, take a look at the new federal investigation into his conduct. According to a letter written by Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) last August,...

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The Anti-Obamacare Ads Have Been Nothing But Fear-Mongering Drivel

Published: mic (December 4, 2013) I'm not sure which prospect is more frightening: That Obamacare's opponents are deliberately lying or that they believe their own bullshit. This isn't to say that the Affordable Care Act hasn't had its hiccups. Certainly there is no...

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15 Crazy Things More Likely to Happen Than a Bill Making It Through This Congress

Published: mic (December 5, 2013) It's all but official. The 113th Congress is the least productive federal legislature in American history, passing only 2% of all the bills that were introduced, an all-time low. How rare was it for legislation to pass Congress this...

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Memo to Ron Paul and Glenn Beck: America’s Founders Were Not Anti-Government

Originally Published: PolicyMic (March 8, 2012) Republished on PolicyMic (October 2, 2013) as "Government Shutdown Question: Would the Founding Fathers Fight Liberalism?" Editor's Note:Although this article was originally published on March 8, 2012, we felt it would...

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