

What Bill Cosby Means for Hillary Clinton

Published: Good Men Project (July 25, 2015), Daily Dot (July 27, 2015) If the rape allegations against Bill Clinton are true, Hillary Clinton needs to get on them right now. What if America’s first female president was married to a sex offender? This is not a hypothetical question. A multitude of allegations against Clinton have appeared over the years. Among the most prominent: – Paula Jones,...

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Hillary Clinton will never be as progressive as the Internet wants her to be

Published: Daily Dot (July 20, 2015) In becoming our nation’s first female president, a Hillary Clinton presidency would be a milestone in American history. However, Clinton’s moment in the sun may never come: Hillary Clinton will never become the progressive that many of her supporters would like her to be, and this fact may create serious problems for her candidacy. During Netroots Nation, a...

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Obama’s low-income broadband initiative could change the lives of millions of Americans

Published: Daily Dot (July 16, 2015) If equality of opportunity is to be a reality in this country, we need to recognize that it is impossible for anyone to be competitive in our modern economy without access to the Internet. That’s why President Obama’s new program to subsidize broadband for low-income families is such an encouraging step forward in addressing the systemic problems of millions...

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4 surprising reasons Rand Paul might be the liberal candidate you’re looking for

Published: Daily Dot (May 29, 2015) At a time when the Republican Party has developed a reputation for voting and thinking in lockstep, it is worth noting that Kentucky’s Sen. Rand Paul has a surprisingly bipartisan appeal, which is becoming an important part of his growing presidential campaign. In the wake of an Internet-breaking filibuster on the Patriot Act, the outspoken National Security...

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5 ways Republicans can reboot their brand in the Internet era

Published: Daily Dot (May 28, 2015) In his new book, Taking a Stand: Moving Beyond Partisan Politics to Unite America, Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul declares that the GOP brand “sucks” and is “broken.” From those big declarations, he goes on to discuss his personal affinity for nature (describing himself as a “tree hugger”) and his ability to find common ground with racial...

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How the Internet could force Barack Obama to back medical marijuana

Published: Daily Dot (April 23, 2015) On Sunday night, President Obama backed Medical Pot Reform—and the Internet noticed. https://twitter.com/guardian/status/589881479519457280 https://twitter.com/thinkprogress/status/589964274581180416 https://twitter.com/GovJVentura/status/590205798027894784/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw Perhaps more important than the fact that the Internet is abuzz over Obama’s...

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The dangerous double-standard of liberal ‘Social Justice Warriors’

Published: Daily Dot (December 9, 2014) If you’ve logged onto the Internet recently, chances are you’re used to seeing progressives in the role of victim. In addition to its sexist undertones, Gamergate has largely been a right-wing movement, an explosion of cultural reactionary sentiment against feminist criticisms of female representation in video game content and culture. Even the derisive...

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3 Reasons I’m Not #ReadyForHillary Just Yet

Published: Daily Dot (November 20, 2014) As a progressive millennial who actively volunteered for and supported Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries, I am ready to make public an opinion I’ve only expressed in private until now: In retrospect, I wish we’d nominated Hillary Clinton. This statement isn’t intended as a slight against Obama (who I actually ranked pretty highly...

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5 Reasons Obama Is A Better President Than You Think

Published: Daily Dot (November 12, 2014) Supporters of President Obama can rest easy: His legacy as one of America’s greatest presidents remains intact, even if the tide of public and Internet sentiments has turned. (His approval rating stands at a paltry 39 percent.) As the president works to fight for net neutrality, it's time to celebrate his biggest accomplishments. Despite the worst midterm...

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