
The Chris Christie vs. Rand Paul Civil War is the Best Thing the GOP Could Ask For

Published: mic (August 12, 2013) While Sarah Palin rarely provokes anything more than justified contempt among the left, her recent announcement that she is on "Team Rand" is as good a cause as any for liberals to remind themselves of why the ongoing feud between the...

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Dear Obama: Stop Acting Like Dick Cheney — Sincerely, Liberals Everywhere

Published: mic (June 18, 2013), Live Interview with Huffington Post (June 19, 2013) Our commander-in-chief had a lot to say during Monday night's interview with Charlie Rose, but CNN aptly summed it up in four words: "I'm no Dick Cheney." If I may, Mr. President, I'd...

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Pennsylvania Polls: Obama Holds On To Lead, Thanks To Republican Extremism”

Published: PolicyMic (November 4, 2012) There are two quotes that best sum up Pennsylvania's role in American democracy today. One comes from legendary political consultant James Carville: "Pennsylvania is Philadelphia in the east, Pittsburgh in the west, and Alabama...

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Barack Obama’s Legacy: Part Two – After the Supreme Court’s Health Care Reform Ruling

Published: PolicyMic (June 28, 2012) Two months ago, in my editorial detailing the positive legacy President Obama will leave behind at the end of his first term, I deliberately avoided mentioning his health care reform bill, given that it was at that time "on the...

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Satire: Confessions of a Freedom-Hating, Tax-Loving, Marriage-Destroying Liberal

Published: PolicyMic (May 10, 2012)  My fellow American liberals, I would like to make a modest proposal. For far too long, we have been accused of terrible things. In the last decade alone, our opponents have said that we're un-American, that we're Communists, that...

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