

Back When I Thought the GOP Would Nominate Rand Paul…

Published: The Good Men Project (September 20, 2016) Roughly one year ago, I participated in the group conference call for one of the publications where I freelance. Both I and the other writers were asked to figure out which Republican presidential candidate we thought would be nominated in 2016, under the presumption that we could then cover that individuals campaign if he or she was indeed...

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Tired of Democrats vs. Republicans? Here’s how to fix it

Published: Salon (August 23, 2016) I’ve been second to none among progressive pundits urging the sane world to unify behind Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump. I’m not going to repeat those arguments here. (If you’re reading this article, the chances are you know them anyway.) But it’s time to acknowledge the major logical flaw in any lesser-of-two-evils position: If we progressives want...

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How Gary Johnson can win my liberal vote

Published: The Huffington Post (June 9, 2016), The Good Men Project (June 4, 2016) I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter, but in the likely event that the Democrats don't nominate him, I will most likely cast my vote for Hillary Clinton. That said, I have my reservations. Foremost among them is Clinton's long trail of scandals, which lead me to worry that she might not make it through her first term...

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The Danger of Ideologues

Published: The Good Men Project (March 26, 2016) "The only index by which to judge a government or a way of life is by the quality of the people it acts upon. No matter how noble the objectives of a government, if it blurs decency and kindness, cheapens human life, and breeds ill will and suspicion—it is an evil government." - Eric Hoffer I posted this quote not only because I agree with its...

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Why Rand Paul can win

Published: Daily Dot (May 27, 2015) While Rand Paul’s name often appears on lists of leading Republican presidential nominees, his well-known libertarian streak is often cited as a prime reason why he most likely won’t be nominated. His National Security Agency opposition might make him popular on the Internet, but he’s the definition of a wild card. Make no mistake about it: If history serves...

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The Rand Revolution is already here

Published: MSNBC (April 8, 2015) Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul doesn’t need to win the presidency to revolutionize the Republican Party. He just needs to get nominated. More than fifty years have passed since the GOP chose a non-establishment candidate to lead its national ticket. Even when their base could only muster tepid enthusiasm for its standard-bearer (see Mitt Romney), the primaries have had...

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Rand Paul and Libertarians Are Looking More and More Like the Future Of the Republican Party

Published: mic (March 9, 2014) The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has held its annual straw poll. For the second year in a row, the winner was Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. What does his victory mean? What does it tell us about the future of the Republican Party? Here are the four things you need to know: 1. This is a great day for Rand Paul. This is the fourth year out...

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