Published: MSNBC (November 30, 2015) Pundits and candidates alike are now accusing Donald Trump of being a fascist or neo-Nazi. Some are even comparing him to Adolf Hitler. This is a serious problem – not for Trump, mind you, but for our collective intelligence as...
Why no one watched the Democratic debate
Nov 17, 2015 | Democrats, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Political Parties
Published: The Good Men Project (November 17, 2015) The most recent Democratic presidential debate was the lowest rated of the six held by either party this election cycle, drawing in only 8.55 million viewers. This may seem like bad news for the Democrats, but the...
Hey progressives, Hillary isn’t the enemy
Nov 12, 2015 | Class Issues, Democrats, Economic Policy, Elections - Presidential (2016), Gender and Sexism, Liberalism, Political Ideologies, Political Parties
Published: Salon (November 12, 2015) The inevitable has finally happened: Bernie Sanders supporters are beginning to openly proclaim that, if Hillary Clinton defeats their champion in the upcoming Democratic presidential primaries, they will not support her in the...
2016: The weirdest presidential election ever?
Nov 3, 2015 | Democrats, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), History, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: The Good Men Project (November 3, 2015) Politics is usually pretty weird, but the presidential election shaping up right now is definitely an outlier even by American standards. There has to be a deeper significance in the fact that such an unusual election...
The GOP can’t escape football: Republicans’ long love affair with America’s most brutal sport
Nov 1, 2015 | Arts and Entertainment, Elections - Presidential (2016), Political Parties, Republicans
Published: Salon (November 1, 2015) Chris Christie might have thought it was ludicrous for the CNBC debate moderators to ask about the booming yet ethically murky “daily fantasy football” industry, but they had defensible reasons for doing so. Websites such as Draft...
John Boehner’s Legacy
Oct 29, 2015 | Conservativism, Extremism, History, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: The Good Men Project (October 29, 2015) As Republicans scramble to anoint Rep. Paul Ryan as the successor for soon-to-be-former Speaker of the House John Boehner, it is worthwhile to examine precisely why the Ohio congressman’s tenure has been such a...
Why the Democrats need Martin O’Malley…
Oct 27, 2015 | Democrats, Elections - Presidential (2016)
Published: The Good Men Project (October 27, 2015) To begin, I must emphasize that I am not officially supporting the presidential campaign of Martin O'Malley, the former governor of Maryland. This article is focusing on his candidacy because there is a practical...
The Right (and Wrong) Way to Discuss Socialism
Oct 17, 2015 | Democrats, Elections - Presidential (2016), Extremism, Liberalism, Political Parties
Published: Salon (October 20, 2015), The Good Men Project (October 17, 2015) Is the term “socialist” losing its stigma? There are two examples from last week's news cycle that shed some light on that question. At the beginning of Tuesday’s Democratic presidential...
Understanding the Sanders Revolution
Oct 13, 2015 | Centrism, Democrats, Elections - Presidential (2016), Extremism, Liberalism, Political Ideologies, Political Parties
Published: The Daily Dot (October 13, 2015), The Good Men Project (October 13, 2015) In tonight’s Democratic presidential debate, Bernie Sanders will take his first big step in avoiding the fate that befell another Vermont liberal, former Gov. Howard Dean, whose...
Not all lives matter: The perverse hypocrisy of “pro-life” gun enthusiasts
Oct 10, 2015 | Abortion, Gun Control, Republicans
Published: Salon (October 10, 2015), The Daily Dot (October 7, 2015) In a recent episode of The Daily Show, host Trevor Noah jokingly compared Republican politicians’ pro-life stance on abortion with their blasé attitude toward the increasing number of American deaths...