

The Rand Revolution is already here

Published: MSNBC (April 8, 2015) Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul doesn’t need to win the presidency to revolutionize the Republican Party. He just needs to get nominated. More than fifty years have passed since the GOP chose a non-establishment candidate to lead its national ticket. Even when their base could only muster tepid enthusiasm for its standard-bearer (see Mitt Romney), the primaries have had...

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Why old white Republicans keep mansplaining women’s vaginas

Published: Daily Dot (February 25, 2015) When yet another old white man nationally embarrasses himself with his ignorance about how women’s bodies work, it isn’t enough to hold them up for richly deserved derision, as the Internet is wont to do. We must also learn a very important lesson: namely, that their poor understanding of experiences outside their own frame-of-reference demonstrates why...

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Why ISIS and Republican zealots have more in common than you think

Published: Daily Dot (February 11, 2015) If there is one thing we can learn from the Christian Right’s continued response to President Obama’s National Prayer Breakfast speech, it is that religious prejudice isn’t limited to any specific religion. Ironically, the online effort by social conservatives to rebut Obama’s most controversial point—namely, that we “remember that during the Crusades and...

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How GOP obstructionism empowered the presidency

Published: MSNBC (January 11, 2015) Listening to Rep. Louis Gohmert’s (R-TX) revanchist logic for his failed bid to oust John Boehner as speaker of the House earlier this month, you’d think the tea party wing of the Republican Party had been working with President Obama. “[We’ll] fight amnesty tooth and nail. We’ll use the powers of the purse,” Gohmert vowed in an interview with Fox News during...

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Jeb continues a Bush tradition: Capitalizing on GOP obstruction

Published: MSNBC (December 7, 2014) While he remains cryptic about his ultimate intentions, Jeb Bush has let America know that if he runs for president in 2016, he will do so by promising an administration that is “much more uplifting, much more positive, much more willing to be practical” – in short, the complete opposite of the status quo in Washington. It’s a pleasingly conciliatory narrative...

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If Politicians Were Paid Based on Real Accomplishments, Here’s What They’d Earn

Published: mic (April 10, 2014) Over the past couple weeks, while President Barack Obama has taken to podiums everywhere to rally support for raising the minimum wage, members of Congress have been rushing to support him. "I think the American people should know that the members of Congress are underpaid," said retiring Congressman Jim Moran, a Virginia Democrat who has served in the House of...

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