

Donald Trump severs ties with Ohio GOP chair, then attacks him in letter to press

Published: Salon (October 17, 2016) Donald Trump has severed ties with the chairman of the Ohio Republican Party, deepening his rift with the party organization in a state he desperately needs, at a time he can ill afford to lose it. In a letter announcing the decision to disassociate with Ohio GOP chair Matt Borges, the Trump campaign said that Borges was conducting “a self-promotional” media...

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Two responses to tragedy: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton respond to North Carolina firebombing

Published: Salon (October 17, 2016) Democrats raised more than $13,000 in less than four hours to help rebuild the headquarters of the local Republican Party chapter in Hillsborough, North Carolina, which was firebombed on Sunday night in what is being investigated as a possible terrorist incident. As news of the firebombing spread, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton condemned the...

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Armed Donald Trump supporters caught menacing Democratic campaign office

Published: Salon (October 14, 2016) Donald Trump supporters have talked about violence if the Republican candidate loses to Hillary Clinton next month. And now, some of them are starting to put their money where their mouths are. A pro-Donald Trump protester has attracted attention for standing alone outside a Virginia Democratic campaign office with his gun. On Thursday, Daniel Parks stood...

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Here are all the defenses Donald Trump’s surrogates have used to explain his sexual assault claims

Published: Salon (October 13, 2016) As more and more sexual assault allegations pile up against him, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s political team is in full damage control mode. Their approaches have been diverse, but the aim is clear: deflect attention from Trump’s allegedly sordid history. We can start with some recent tweets by Trump himself: Follow Donald J. Trump...

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The alpha dog that wouldn’t hunt: How Trump’s ludicrous “alpha male” act is destroying him

Published: Salon (October 2, 2016) When Salon’s Brendan Gauthier recently wrote about the alt-right’s reaction to Donald Trump’s humiliating performance in the first presidential debate, he included the following quote from a 4chan user defending the Republican nominee’s alleged stiffing of contractors: “As an alpha [Trump] has no problem with asserting his will. You beta cucks wouldnt [sic]...

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Mike Pence, a heartbeat away from the presidency? Now that’s frightening

Published: Salon (September 22, 2016) Why isn’t Mike Pence a major issue in this campaign? In any other election, Pence would be to a Republican presidential nominee what Sarah Palin was to John McCain back in 2008 — that is, an extreme right-winger whose presence on the ticket is widely regarded as a liability. Of course, this is the year in which the GOP tapped Donald Trump to be its...

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Back When I Thought the GOP Would Nominate Rand Paul…

Published: The Good Men Project (September 20, 2016) Roughly one year ago, I participated in the group conference call for one of the publications where I freelance. Both I and the other writers were asked to figure out which Republican presidential candidate we thought would be nominated in 2016, under the presumption that we could then cover that individuals campaign if he or she was indeed...

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Hillary’s health and history: She’s not the first candidate to face major medical questions

Published: Salon (September 16, 2016) After Hillary Clinton nearly collapsed at a 9/11 ceremony earlier this week, allegedly due to pneumonia and overheating, the American public is naturally concerned. On the one hand, people wonder whether Clinton is healthy enough to assume the presidency. On the other, they face the fact that ruling Clinton out for health reasons may lead to the election of...

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A deep dive into the alt-right’s greatest YouTube hits

Published: The Daily Dot (September 7, 2016) When Hillary Clinton pointed out the connection between Donald Trump and the alt-right, she wasn’t talking about an ordinary political movement. As the Daily Dot's Amrita Khalid notes, the alt-right is a "younger, ballsier rejection of the GOP establishment and political correctness as a whole—think the Tea Party meets Pepe the Frog." But it's also...

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