
Maine Republican Susan Collins is now the most unpopular member of the US Senate

Mitch McConnell and Susan Collins Getty Images/Salon

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, has replaced Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., as the most unpopular incumbent U.S. senator, according to the results of a new poll.

Collins’ net approval has dropped 10 points since the end of September in the quarterly tracking poll released Thursday by Morning Consult....

Originally posted on salon.com

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Two responses to tragedy: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton respond to North Carolina firebombing

Published: Salon (October 17, 2016) Democrats raised more than $13,000 in less than four hours to help rebuild the headquarters of the local Republican Party chapter in Hillsborough, North Carolina, which was firebombed on Sunday night in what is being investigated as...

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Here are all the defenses Donald Trump’s surrogates have used to explain his sexual assault claims

Published: Salon (October 13, 2016) As more and more sexual assault allegations pile up against him, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s political team is in full damage control mode. Their approaches have been diverse, but the aim is clear: deflect...

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The alpha dog that wouldn’t hunt: How Trump’s ludicrous “alpha male” act is destroying him

Published: Salon (October 2, 2016) When Salon’s Brendan Gauthier recently wrote about the alt-right’s reaction to Donald Trump’s humiliating performance in the first presidential debate, he included the following quote from a 4chan user defending the Republican...

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Mike Pence, a heartbeat away from the presidency? Now that’s frightening

Published: Salon (September 22, 2016) Why isn’t Mike Pence a major issue in this campaign? In any other election, Pence would be to a Republican presidential nominee what Sarah Palin was to John McCain back in 2008 — that is, an extreme right-winger whose presence on...

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