I would like to write a review as brief as George Washington's 2nd inaugural address, the briefest ever delivered in history. The so-called Seltzerberg duo of C-rate spoofsters endlessly fascinate with me how they managed to perfectly capture the zeitgeist of periods in our pop culture history with all the cynical vulgarity that these shameful events deserved. Their flaw was when they entered a...
“Croc” Review: A Reminder to Remember Stewart Raffill
Feb 6, 2021 | Original Source Matthewrozsa.com, Reviews
The late '90s and '00s were a weird forgotten golden age for crocodile and alligator horror flicks. The best were in two series: You had Steve Miner's "Lake Placid" in 1999, Tobe Hooper's "Crocodile" in 2000, Gary Johnson's follow up "Crocodile 2" in 2002 and the Todd Hurvitz/Howie Miller collaboration "Lake Placid 2" in 2007. Those movies used varying degrees of camp, jump scares, gore and...
“Smiley” review
Jan 16, 2021 | Original Source Matthewrozsa.com, Reviews
There is a lot of controversy surrounding "Smiley," a 2012 horror film written and directed by a man named Michael Gallagher. I don't know much about Gallagher and don't want to know anything. The same goes for the various online groups who allegedly took offense over the content of his film, although some say the accusations against them are exaggerated. Either way, no one deserves to be...
“Leprechaun 2” review
Nov 26, 2020 | Original Source Matthewrozsa.com, Reviews
It's a shame that "Leprechaun 2" wasn't the first film in the series. People tend to assume that the first movie in a horror franchise should be considered the "main" one, with all of the sequels being lesser by default. Yet while I am a big fan of one of the "Leprechaun" sequels (namely, "Leprechaun 4: In Space"), I readily acknowledge that it feels like a cheap, gimmicky follow up rather than...
“Pilgrim” review
Nov 26, 2020 | Original Source Matthewrozsa.com, Reviews
Watching "Pilgrim" is a bit like reading a great scary short story... but one in which a few key pages are missing near the end. To be clear, there is much more about "Pilgrim" that I liked than not. It is masterful in its use of suspense to build tension and, when it does rely on gore and other horrifying imagery, it works within the narrative. Nothing here feel gratuitous. There is also a deep...
Review for “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”
Sep 27, 2020 | Original Source Matthewrozsa.com, Reviews
As I ranked the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies near the end of 2019, I had no trouble figuring out that "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" is the best of the lot. In my own words: "It is a perfect MCU movie because every element works just right: The special effects look real instead of like CGI, the action scenes are breathtakingly well-choreographed, the story is intelligently...
“Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” review: A return to form brings the saga to a fitting end
Dec 20, 2019 | Original Source Salon.com, Reviews