
We have no idea if pesticide protections for bees actually work — a serious issue for conservation

Pesticides are slowly wiping bees off the face of the Earth, yet scientists are still unable to come up with evidence-based ways to protect them. That isn’t for a lack of trying — many different tactics are being trialed, but widespread success remains elusive. And this problem is severe, given that many of our agricultural food products — from x to y to z — rely on pollinators like bees....

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Dark matter power: James Webb telescope may have proven the existence of giant dark stars

Since 2007, astronomers have proposed the existence of a weird type of star: one powered by the heat of dark matter. In cosmology, dark matter is a difficult thing to explain because we literally don’t know what it is. We can’t see it, hence the name “dark,” but without it factored into our equations of the universe, things just don’t add up....

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Mars rover detects chemicals of life — but it doesn’t prove aliens just yet, scientists caution

A recent study published in the scientific journal Nature reveals the existence of organic compounds on Mars. The good news is this could indicate the existence of life — the bad news is that there are other possible explanations.

Organic compounds are molecules formed from carbon, although they often include other life-associated elements like phosphorus, oxygen, sulfur, hydrogen and nitrogen....

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James Webb one year later: An astronomer discusses her favorite views of our universe

Dr. Michelle Thaller is perhaps the epitome of a hip NASA astronomer: An astrophysicist by background, Thaller emceed the 2022 broadcast that revealed the James Webb Space Telescope’s first science images to the world. The decision to choose her was logical, as Thaller also regularly talks astronomy on The History Channel and Science Channel....

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The EU is reportedly conceding to chemical companies to allow “forever chemicals”

Although the European Commission has promised to ban all but the most essential of the hazardous chemicals found in commonly used products in Europe, a new report by The Guardian indicates that they are prepared to break that promise. If they do so, it will continue a pattern of government regulators failing to adequately monitor businesses that release potentially hazardous chemicals into the environment....

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Shiny, happy planet: Newly discovered exoplanet is the largest known “mirror” in the Universe

Imagine an exoplanet with clouds so shiny, they make it literally the shiniest exoplanet ever discovered by humans. Meet planet LTT9779b, which according to a recent study in the scientific journal Astronomy & Astrophysics is covered in metallic clouds. Located 262 light-years from Earth, planet LTT9779b has an atmosphere made of silicates and metals like titanium....

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