
Science and Technology

Why the Internet isn’t afraid of the flu epidemic

Published: Daily Dot (January 3, 2015) I don’t need to remind you about the so-called “epidemic” that reached America’s doorstep in 2014. From a ‘90s thriller to a Jesse Pinkman monologue, everyone knew about the dreaded Ebola virus before it reached our shores, but it wasn’t until last year that we became existentially afraid of it. The disease we should be actually scared of is the one that...

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Why Facebook makes you think the world is ending

Published: Daily Dot (December 29, 2014) Back in October, a Fox News article on apocalyptic belief systems by Dr. Robert Jeffress observed that “47 percent of American Christians believe that the end of the world as described in the Bible will occur within the next 40 years.” Around the same time—but, notably, on the opposite side of the ideological spectrum—Roger Cohen of the New York Times...

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How being best friends with Siri saved an autistic boy’s life

Published: Daily Dot (October 23, 2014) Earlier this week, the New York Times ran an editorial by Judith Newman about her autistic child and the bond he has developed with Siri, the iPhone app. After discovering there was “someone who would not just find information on his various obsessions...but actually semi-discuss these subjects tirelessly,” Newman has found that her son Gus now has a...

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I’m a real teacher, and I love Rate My Professor

Published: Daily Dot (October 13, 2014) The website Rate My Professor, which allows users to rank and write reviews of their teachers, is more than just a valuable tool for college students who want to be smart consumers about their classroom experiences. It also embodies the greatest promise of the Internet revolution—its ability to not only disseminate information, but encourage people to...

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Evidence is in: Gay marriage doesn’t hurt children

Published: Grand Forks Herald (June 23, 2014) BETHLEHEM, Pa. — When I read Ronald Fischer’s recent column opposing gay marriage, I couldn’t help but think of a line in the Sherlock Holmes story, “A Scandal in Bohemia”: “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.” It is clear that Fischer...

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Anti Big Pharma But Pro Vax

Published: GirlieGirlArmy.com (June 12, 2014) co-author: Liskula Cohen Vaccines are a touchy subject. While the trend is turning towards being passionately against them,  others still teeter between comfort in the decision to ultimately have their children vaccinated, feeling the pros outweigh the cons. While we respect our anti-vax readers opinions, here is another perspective from a Mom you’d...

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Jenny McCarthy Wants to Save Me From My Autism, But She Just Doesn’t Get It

Published: mic (April 2, 2014) I have something uniquely in common with several million other Americans: I'm autistic. At a time when Jenny McCarthy is spearheading a dangerous movement that blames my condition on vaccines — a myth dispelled by WebMD here — I am naturally sensitive to any mention of autism in the news, of which there have been a lot lately, especially when it's discussed as if...

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What The Research Really Says About Gay Parents and Kids

Published: mic (February 25, 2014) To determine the fate of Michigan's constitutional ban on gay marriage, a federal court in Detroit is holding hearings on whether having same-sex parents is harmful to children. It's a tricky question (for some), but here's the truth. The Heritage Foundation held meetings to discuss "the need for new studies and research to back up claims that same-sex marriage...

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