

Boston Marathon Bombing Was Plagued By Media Irresponsibility

Published: mic (April 20, 2013) Now that the world knows that the Boston Marathon bombers were Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, let's take a moment to reflect on who was NOT responsible. It wasn't that Saudi Arabian guy who was blamed on the first day. It wasn't the tall skinny guy in the blue shirt whose picture was plastered all over the New York Post, nor was it his friend. Most important of...

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Right-Wing Terrorism Was Enabled and Ignored By Conservative Pundits, GOP

Published: The Morning Call (April 15, 2013), mic (April 16, 2013) Editor's note: This article was written before the Boston Marathon bombings, and is not intended to be a response to that incident. All commentary in this article is on pre-Boston incidents alone and is not intended to indicate anything concerning the ongoing Boston Marathon investigation. How much longer is America willing to...

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There’s Nothing More Pathetic Than a Pennsylvania Bigot in 2013

Published: mic (March 23, 2013), The Express Times (March 23, 2013) From neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan to the Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers, there is nothing more inherently pathetic than a bigot in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This isn't to say that bigots aren't a pitiful sight as a general rule. As the philosopher Eric Hoffer noted in his classic monograph on mass movements and...

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On Somali Terrorism

Published: PolicyMic (March 27, 2012) Of all my experiences as a graduate student, none can match the time I spent as a teaching assistant for Said Samatar. A professor of African History at Rutgers University-Newark, Samatar is the kind of scholar every up-and-coming aspires, or at least should aspire, to emulate: Intelligent, accessible, puckishly funny (he liked to prepare students for tests...

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