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World Affairs
How Donald Trump would destroy America (and possibly the world)
May 19, 2016 | Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues, Economic Policy, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Foreign Policy, mic, Science and Technology, Terrorism, World Affairs
Published: The Good Men Project (May 19, 2016) America is in a "boy who cried wolf" situation right now. We've grown so accustomed to comparing our presidents with tyrants, or insisting that a candidate's ascent to power will result in calamity, that even those of us who see an actual wolf in our midst aren't being taken seriously. The people voting for Donald Trump are well aware of our...
An aggressive military response is precisely what ISIS wants
Nov 20, 2015 | Foreign Policy, Immigration, mic, Race and Racism, Religion and Religious Issues, Terrorism, World Affairs
Published: Salon (November 20, 2015), The Daily Dot (November 18, 2015) As the world reels from the last Friday's terrorist attack in Paris, millions of people have taken to Twitter to share their grief and outrage... and many echoed Donald Trump's call to "bomb the shit" out of them. The desire to immediately strike back at ISIS with overwhelming force is understandable. It took under 48 hours...
A Plain-English Explanation of How Greece Got Into Its Debt Debacle
Jul 13, 2015 | Economic Policy, History, mic, World Affairs
Published: Question of the Day (July 13, 2015) Greece’s years-long debt crisis has finally come to a head this summer. Though Greece looks like it'll get its third bailout in five years, the Greeks were very much on the brink for the last few weeks, and very close to being kicked out of the eurozone over the last few days. The Greek debt crisis seems like a never-ending tragedy, a story that...
What 9 World Leaders Were Doing In Their 20s
Jun 2, 2015 | Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), General Advice, History, mic, Millennials, World Affairs
Published: Question of the Day (June 2, 2015) These were really formative years. The 20-something years are often as sharply defined by the “something” aspect of that term than by their numerical designation. This is the decade in which so many of us struggle to find ourselves in our careers; for some, the path lies clearly in front of us, while for others it wind around and is covered in...
Bangladesh’s government is stealing land from its citizens
May 15, 2015 | World Affairs
Published: Quartz (May 15, 2015) I hadn’t spoken to my friend Raad since our undergraduate days at Bard College, in New York, nearly a decade ago. But as I listened to her father’s story, it quickly became apparent why she had spent the past few days frantically contacting friends who worked in the media. “I’m a 70 year-old man and the police officers put their guns right against my chest and...
The case for reparations in Greece
Apr 9, 2015 | Economic Policy, History, mic, World Affairs
Published: Daily Dot (April 9, 2015) Last month, the “Digital Economy and Society Index” determined that Greece ranked close-to-last among European Union nations in keeping up with the progress of the digital revolution. This is hardly surprising, considering how far behind that nation lags in so many other metrics, but it is telling here for one reason: If the Greek public was better connected...
February 2015 Has Been A Historic Month for Science
Feb 24, 2015 | Science and Technology, World Affairs
Published: Pixable (February 24, 2015) This has been a historic month for science. Even if all scientific progress crawls to a stop this week, the knowledge we’ve already acquired since February 1, 2015 is likely to have a direct impact on all of our lives. Among the lessons we’ve learned: 1. The theory of the Big Bang may be false (Source: Flickr/nasamarshall) In a paper published by Physics...
Thoughts on Jewish Identity in a Post-Charlie Hebdo World
Jan 22, 2015 | Autobiographical, Jewish Experiences, mic, Terrorism, World Affairs
Published: Good Men Project (January 22, 2015) Matthew Rozsa explores the divided politics of the American Jewish community. ___ Although I recall a great deal about the day I was nearly murdered, my conscious memory has suppressed the few minutes during which my head was held under water and my 6th grade classmates chanted “Drown the Jew!” Like a scratched DVD, it skips from the moment right...
Why is mainstream media ignoring the Boko Haram attacks?
Jan 19, 2015 | Foreign Policy, Media Issues, mic, Race and Racism, Terrorism, World Affairs
Published: Daily Dot (January 19, 2015) Starting on Jan. 3, hundreds of Nigerians were slaughtered in an attack on the border city of Braga by the notorious Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram. Shortly after, two girls blew themselves up at a market in the northeastern Nigerian city of Maiduguri, killing at least 19 people. All of this came on the heels of reports last month that a 13-year-old...