
Published: Salon (October 14, 2016)

Donald Trump is now attacking The New York Times for covering sexual assault allegations against him by bringing up the name of the “foreigner” who “rescued” the newspaper: a Mexican billionaire.

Carlos Slim is one of the world’s richest men. Last December  he was ranked fifth on Forbes’ list. Slim became the largest single investor in the Times in January 2015, when he exercised warrants that more than doubled his stake in the publishing company.

Slim and Trump have locked horns before. When Trump launched his presidential campaign with comments that suggested undocumented Mexican immigrants are more likely to be rapists, Slim cancelled a television project that one of his companies had been working on with Trump. One of Slim’s spokespeople characterized the comments as racist, while The Washington Post thoroughly debunked Trump’s claims.

Although there is no evidence that Slim’s motives were anything other than financial, Trump has a history of bringing up the ethnic background of powerful Mexicans and Mexican-Americans whom he views as threats. In June he accused U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel — who will preside over a fraud case against Trump University — of having an “absolute conflict” because of his “Mexican heritage.” Trump has even gotten into trouble with members of the Hispanic community when he has tried to praise them, such as his controversial tweet in May proclaiming, “I love Hispanics!” while eating a taco salad (a hybrid dish probably invented in the States).

On Friday morning, Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, said that there will “be more evidence” coming out which would “call into question” the allegations.

Pence: “Before the day is out there will be more evidence that calls into question these [sexual assault] allegations.”