
Most Americans don’t trust President Trump: Poll

Apr 17, 2017 | Salon.com

A majority of Americans think President Trump has already broken his campaign promises before hitting his 100th day

The ratio of Americans who believe President Donald Trump keeps his promises has dropped from 62 percent to 45 percent in just two months, according to a survey released on Monday by Gallup.

While it is already well-documented that President Trump has a serious image problem among millennials — a majority of whom do not view him as a legitimate president, according to another new study — it also turns out that a majority of Americans overall don’t believe their president will keep his promises, per Gallup.

Whereas 53 percent of the Gallup respondents in February felt that Trump, whose campaign slogan was “Make America Great Again,” is a president who “can bring about changes this country needs,” only 46 percent of the respondents said they felt that way in April. And while 35 percent of Americans who disapproved of Trump in February had conceded that he keeps his promises, that percentage dropped to only 11 percent in April. Trump’s favorability ratings also diminished when respondents considered if he was “a strong and decisive leader” (from 59 percent to 52 percent) and being “honest and trustworthy” (from 42 percent to 36 percent).

As Gallup pointed out, these polling numbers reflect a deeper, systemic problem for Trump’s presidential image.

“Trump took office facing challenges in winning public support that are unique for a modern-day president,” wrote Gallup’s Jim Norman. “A majority of Americans viewed him unfavorably before his inauguration, and this continues to be true today.”

Norman explained that Trump “was the first elected president in Gallup polling history to receive an initial job approval rating below the majority level and has yet to come close to surpassing the 50% mark.”


Originally from Salon.com