
I would like to write a review as brief as George Washington’s 2nd inaugural address, the briefest ever delivered in history.

The so-called Seltzerberg duo of C-rate spoofsters endlessly fascinate with me how they managed to perfectly capture the zeitgeist of periods in our pop culture history with all the cynical vulgarity that these shameful events deserved. Their flaw was when they entered a reference overload period from 2006 to 2008 (the aptly named DED trilogy of “Date Movie,” “Epic Movie” and “Disaster Movie”). This movie is more focused (as are some of their others to an extent, like “Vampires Suck), although it is still marred heavily by stupid slapstick and knuckleheaded, offensive and deeply problematic jokes. It has its insights, though, and a few genuine laughs.

Everything else they’ve made is the absolute worst.