
Published: Salon (October 11, 2016)

Blink 182 is well-known for their use of toilet humor, but who knew they were gazing into the stars as well as the sewers?

Former lead singer Tom DeLonge wanted to introduce HIllary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta, to some “very interesting” sources on UFOs, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal.DeLonge was referring to either military personnel or other former government officials, which isn’t in itself surprising.

Prominent state officials from astronaut Buzz Aldrin to former President Jimmy Carter have claimed to see UFOs in the past. That said, they may not always do this in total seriousness, as indicated by this tweet sent out by one of President Barack Obama’s senior advisers in February 2015:

1. Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the#disclosure of the UFO files. #thetruthisstilloutthere cc:@NYTimesDowd

Here is the bigger question: Why does the erstwhile Blink 182 frontman have a direct line to the Clinton campaign in the first place? Could he be to a future Clinton administration what Elvis Presley was for Richard Nixon: an addled celebrity who believes his connection to power gives him real influence? In 46 years, will there be a tongue-in-cheek comedy celebrating DeLonge’s quirky interactions with an awkward President Clinton?

A fanciful thought, perhaps, but President Obama is already cornering the grand space fantasies with his earlier announcement of an impending American mission to Mars. That leaves us to speculate about the less likely fantasies, such as DeLonge being the key to the world finally learning the truth about our planet’s extraterrestrial visitors.